What Are The Options For Personal Loans For People With Bad Credit, But Not Payday Loans

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By Benjamin Robert Ehinger
Can you Get Personal Loans for People with Bad Credit, but Not Payday Loans?
It is not easy to get personal loans for people with bad credit but not payday loans because most of the bad credit personal loans are going to be of the payday loan nature. This is because payday loans don’t have a credit check and they are not looking at what you have paid in the past, but instead they look at your income.
However, this does not mean you can’t find any personal loans for people with bad credit but not payday loans that can help you in your time of need. There are still some loans out there that are not payday loans, but will give you the money that is necessary without having to have great credit. You just need to know where to look.
Most of the time you are going to look for the loans you are after right online and this will mean that you can get the right loan for you without making a phone call or going to the bank. The best loans for those with bad credit are found online and you have to know where you can look to find these types of loans.
Below you are going to find out what the options are for the personal loans for people with bad credit but not payday loans and where you may be able to get this type of loan. You are also going to learn about the best payday loan option just in case this is the route you have to take to get the money you need.
The Different Options for Personal Loans for People with Bad Credit, but Not Payday Loans
1. Your Bank
Believe it or not you can check with your bank and find a personal loan even if you have bad credit. This is not always going to be possible, but some banks will help you out if you have a good relationship with them. They may ask you to put your retirement account up as collateral or something else you have, but they can help, if you ask them.
2. Credit Unions
Credit unions are more forgiving of bad credit than most banks are and sometimes you can use a credit union to help you get the loan you need. This is a good way to go about getting the right loan for you and if you have a relationship with a credit union already you can ask them if they will help you with a personal loan even though you have bad credit.
3. Non-Conventional Lenders
There are also lenders out there that are considered to be non-conventional. These lenders can help you with a bad credit personal loan because they don’t conform to the same banking rules as a typical bank would. These lenders can be found online pretty easily and they can give you an answer on your loan pretty quickly.
4. Private Parties
You can also try to find a private party that will help you with the loan you need. There are more of these out there than you might realize and many people are trying to help others with loans as an investment of their own. This is one way you can find personal loans for people with bad credit pretty easily.
5. Person to Person Lending Networks
If you search online you can find person to person lending networks to help you get the right type of loan for your needs. These are much like the private party loans, but you may have a handful of individuals that help to fund your loan. There are sites online that you can put your listing on and the investors can bid on your loan to help fund it.
An Alternative to Personal Loans for People with Bad Credit, but Not Payday Loans
If you find that you just can’t wait for your personal loan to get approved or you find that you can’t get approved you can still use a payday loan. These are usually loans that have to be paid back within 30 days and you can get up to $1,500 from most lenders. You can find these lenders online and you can apply and get approved within minutes.
If you need more than 30 days to pay your loan back you can use the 100 day loans site to help you get the right loan for you. This will give you over three months to pay the loan back and this means lower payments over that time. When you are financially stressed and you can’t get approved for one of the personal loans for people with bad credit but not payday loans you can turn to the 100 day loans site to get your help.
About the Author: Find the best
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