Want To Learn To Play The Piano? Traditional Lessons Are Still Your Best Bet

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byAlma Abell
In the modern day, many aspiring musicians rely heavily on sites like YouTube, both for exposure to inspiration and a potential audience of their own, and for instruction when learning to play. The widespread popularity of online tutorials has made traditional music lessons less popular with younger learners, but instructors know that there is still merit to traditional teaching styles. Whether you’re looking for piano lessons, guitar lessons or drum lessons, your best bet to make it to the concert hall may be to start in a conventional classroom.
Oldies but Goodies
Some young people believe that face-to-face music lessons are too old-fashioned for modern aspiring musicians. After all, people launch entire careers after binge-watching videos online, so why can’t musicians do the same? The truth is, music industry experts like those at Austin, Texas’s Lone Star School of Music are simply better suited to the task of teaching than a video can ever be.
The benefits of learning under an instructor are obvious when examined at length: a live person with a depth of musical knowledge can provide not only tutelage but also address the concerns of a student, answer questions and tailor lessons to the needs of the aspiring musician. Even if a video can provide basic piano lessons, it can’t address improper posture, hand positioning, or other issues that an instructor can.
Choosing an Instructor
Looking for a provider of music lessons should be a fun and exciting process, not a stressful one. Here are some tips for choosing an instructor near you:
* Ask for recommendations. Whether it’s from family, friends or music professionals in your area, reputation is a good indicator of teaching technique and quality.
* Arrange a meeting or interview, or attend a session before committing to lessons with an instructor, if possible.
When choosing an instructor, it’s important to pick one with the right experience. Inquire about their experience with your child’s age group and experience level, what qualifications the instructor has, and what services they offer. Knowing this upfront will provide you with a better idea of what you’ll be paying for later!
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