Third World Water Treatment Systems

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By David Faulkner
While Americans are taking in liter after liter of bottled water, the idea that the U.S. has bad water quality seems to be valid. All the technology that modern science has created for making our water safe has allowed us to drink fresh water any time of the day or night.
The third world countries are not as lucky as those in the United States for having a fresh supply of quality drinking water. It is apparent that these countries suffer greatly from the lack of drinking water and the technology to improve the water. There are not facilities with the higher quality equipment to make the water safe to use. Third world countries are at a loss and only have what is available to them. The governments of these countries can not give them the clean water they need. This lack of clean and safe water has brought about the deaths of millions of the residents because of the diseases in the water. Some of these diseases are diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery.
The simplest and lowest cost water treatment systems are necessary for creating healthier circumstances for these third world countries. With clean water, they can avoid the problems with nasty water and health issues caused by contamination in the water. Research has shown that a million children under the age of six have died each year because of contaminated water and another two million have gotten diseases that come from the parasites in the water. It is an important step to provide these third world countries with cheap water treatment systems to stop the death and diseases.
The easiest filtration treatment method is still the best and lowest for cost. This cheap water treatment method does not need anything high tech for it to work properly. Any type of advanced and under advanced country that utilizes their water from the rivers, lakes, and brooks, can utilize this method. This would be a great project for private and international humanitarian organizations to start working on to give this low cost water treatment method to the third world countries.
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on water filter cartridge.
International agencies such as the World Bank have come to the rescue of the third world countries that need safe water by providing loans. It will be necessary for these agencies to continue to provide low cost treatments that are needed. These third world countries need to not only be provided with treatment methods for the water sources that are already there and also the technology to be able to eventually provide themselves with their own safe drinking water.
With the goal of making the Millennium Development Goals is imperative to give the countries in the South to have a chance to reach a solution for creating safe water to the people of the developed and underdeveloped countries. Any type of water treatment systems that can give the third world countries clean and safe water and also be of low cost, will change the lives of many millions of people.
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