Reversing Hair Loss The Proven Hair Re Growing Agents

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By Wong Darren
Reversing hair loss is a feat that most men would want to achieve. Unfortunately, very few are able to get back lost hair once the hair fall becomes massive. Reversing hair loss is definitely not easy but its not impossible either.
Before using any particular herb or product, it is best for the patient to consult his physician. His doctor is the best person to educate him regarding the condition. And a physician is also the best person to discuss the treatments that might suit the patients condition. Just in case a strict budget would not allow a hair transplant, it is often always best to resort to natural and proven means of getting a full head of hair.
The Proven Hair Regrowers
Saw Palmetto – this natural remedy has been proven to stop hair fall. It blocks the formation of DHT and prevents this hormone from binding with the hair follicles. It is recommended that 1500 mg of this herb be taken daily. Patients are also advised to refrain from using shampoos that have SLS or Sodium Laureth Sulfate in them. SLS degreases the hair but it also clogs the follicles. Once the hair follicles get clogged, hair fall would soon follow. Discard all shampoos with SLS in them and hair growth would soon be noticeable – many patients have reported an improvement on their hair and scalp after ditching their old shampoos.
Eat foods that are rich in minerals like zinc, iron, or magnesium. These minerals are proven to be beneficial in restoring hair.
Buy a lotion that would condition the scalp. There are hair loss lotions and creams in the market that contain herbs which are proven to be effective in preventing hair loss. Herbs such as rosemary, lavender, aloe vera and coconut milk all have hair re-growing properties.
Blood circulation needs to be improved to be able to stop hair loss. Starved hair follicles tend to weaken and fall and to reverse this, it is best to purchase natural remedies which have no side effects. Ginkgo Biloba, Capsicum (in peppers), and prickly ash all improve circulation of the blood. Before getting into a regimen, it is wise for a patient to consult with a physician especially when he has existing medications for hypertension.
Olive and virgin coconut oils are proven hair growers, too. It just takes religious, daily applications to make the hair grow back.
Other Methods
Sometimes, laziness tends to consume most hair loss patients that they give up as soon as a month of applying or taking any medicine. Once they dont see any fast results, these patients just shrug their shoulders and give up. Simple methods such as massaging ones scalp for 15 minutes each day would greatly improve the blood circulation on that area. The massage would be further enhanced with the use of the aforementioned oils (olive and virgin coconut oils).
Stressful living could result into many ill conditions on the human body. Eliminating stress in ones life would also improve the systems of the body. Let go and let liverelax and take the regimen you have chosen one day at a time; and before you know it, there would be baby hairs on your scalp!
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