Natural Remedies For Cystic Acne

Submitted by: Julia Elorriaga
Acne is caused due to dead cells of skin or oil filling up in the skin s pores. Sometimes, acne can become serious and you can get pimples on your skin. This is called Cystic acne. This kind of acne needs to be treated immediately as it is very unpleasant. There are numerous treatments available to cure cystic acne. You can use these treatment options, but sometimes, these treatments can cause side effects. This may not be good for your skin. It is better if you try out the numerous home remedies or natural treatments that are generally prescribed to cure cystic acne.
The basic function that these treatments need to provide is the cleansing of your skin to remove the dead skin and the oil and keep the skin soft and smooth. Women, in particular, have to remove the makeup on skin before going to bed as cystic acne can affect adults as well as infants. Whatever activity you do to cleanse your skin will cure your acne in the long run. The food is a part of the factors that contribute to acne. Apart from food, lack of exercise can also lead to acne.
Your first step to clearing acne is to stop eating junk foods and processed foods. Foods that contain hydrogenated fat, fried or grilled food, concentrated sweeteners, soft drinks like coca-cola, pepsi and soda pop, and alcoholic drinks can lead to acne. If you replace these foods with foods like fruits, carrots, rice malt, barley malt, unrefined sea salt etc, then you will be a long way ahead in your treatment of acne. Changing your diet will cleanse your skin from the inside.
There are other mixtures that you can apply on your skin to remove the dead skin cells and oil formation on your skin. You should wash your skin with warm water and mild soap daily. Sandalwood paste and turmeric paste are very useful to cleanse your skin. You can also apply egg white to your skin which is a wonderful remedy for cystic acne. You can also use olive oil as this is a known skin cleanser. Olive oil was used as a moisturizer by the Greeks many centuries ago. Olive oil mixed with water dissolves the dead skin in the pores and cleans your skin. One of the ways to remove the toxins that have accumulated in your body is to sweat it out. You can try exercise, sauna and some other physical activities to sweat and keep the pores of your skin clean. Physical activities like exercise will bring balance to your body and relieve it of its stress.
These are some of the wonderful natural treatments available for treatment of cystic acne. The best way to keep acne away is to maintain your skin by cleansing it regularly using water and soap or other cleansing gels. Apart from this, you must keep your diet healthy as this will keep your body clean from the inside. Apart from keeping acne away, healthy diet can keep other diseases away too.
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Skincare, acne and health expert. I also have been building a variety of websites for the last 3 years. Depth knowledge of medicine. Also, we have a doctor in our staff who helps me to write the articles. For more information about Acne Treatments visit
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