How To Control Mice Without Poison

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By Marilyn Pokorney
In just six months one pair of mice can eat more than four
pounds of food and deposit about 18,000 droppings. Food contaminated by mice is about 10 times greater than what is eaten. Also, food wasted by mouse nibbling is much more than what is eaten. Here are some ways to prevent pets and children from being poisoned by using natural mice control. Mice like to eat seeds, grains, and foods high in fat or sugar. These types of food can be used for bait. Such items include bacon and bacon fat, candies such as tootsie rolls and anise teddy bears, butter, peanut butter, avocados, pizza crusts and nutmeats. Chocolate covered peanut candy will kill mice. Chocolate is poisonous to mice. Switch bait occasionally–it makes the mice more likely to investigate the new food offering. Place traps along walls between mice habitat and food sources. Place under cupboards or other furniture in the dark to help prevent household pets from being injured by the traps. Don’t leave pet food out at night–at least until you are sure all mice are caught. Take a deep wastebasket or other container that is at least 12 inches deep. Put a plastic garbage bag in it along with cereal such as cornflakes, or other mouse food. Place it near a kitchen counter where mice are known to crawl. The mice will jump down into the container but will not be able to crawl or jump back out. Dispose of the mice in any way you choose. Store bulk foods in sealed glass, metal or hard plastic containers. Stack bagged or boxed food in neat rows on shelves or cupboards in a way that allows for thorough inspection for evidence of mice. In storage areas, keep stored materials away from walls. Sweep floors frequently to detect fresh mouse droppings. Always clean up after eating. Do not invite mice by leaving food items or crumbs out overnight. Seal all holes and openings larger than 1/4 inch across. A mouse can crawl through a hole the size of a dime. Use steel wool or cement to seal, screen or cover all holes into the house. Place 3 inches of gravel around the base of homes or trailers. Enclose foundations of permanent houses with metal roof flashing buried 6 inches deep and rising 12 inches above the ground. Mice can jump 12 inches onto a solid surface. Fill gaps around pipes. Fix loose fitting doors. Close openings around chimneys, damaged house siding, broken windows and screens. Inside, get rid of clutter in basements, storage rooms, sheds, carports, and garages. Remove padded cushions from sofas and chairs, and store them on edge or separate them from one another, off the floor. Remove drawers in empty cupboards or chests and place them on sides. Outside remove piles of trash, junk and lumber. Keep woodpiles more than 12 inches above the ground. Keep covers on trash cans and dumpsters. Eliminate weeds and other vegetative cover as well as debris and litter in and around homes, buildings, crops, lawns and other cultivated areas. Lawns should be mowed regularly.
About the Author: Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website:
– For more on pest control, including mice, deer, mosquitoes, snakes and many more visit:
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