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Submitted by: Johny Rehan
A surge protector is a device that saves the electrical equipments like computer, television, refrigerator, AC etc. from power surge, lightening and fluctuations, (as heavy electric appliances require high voltage electricity). The device is also termed as surge suppressor that protects the electrical appliances by limiting the amount of voltage supplied to the appliance either by blocking or diverting the voltage surge to ground. To describe the function clearly, in US the standard voltage to be used in every office and home is 120 volts, and therefore, voltage usage exceeding this amount considered to be transient and may result in the damage of the appliances connected to the outlet. Through surge protection this extra voltage can be channeled into the grounding wire of the outlet and thus preventing the extra power to flow through the devices.
Surges in the electricity can damage even the internal components of the electronic devices. It can even destroy data stored in the computers. But surge protection can prevent any kind of such damages. Moreover, the surge protector can protect wires and lines of cable and television as they also carry electricity.
Regarding response, the surge protectors have some time bindings. They dont operate instantly; their response time is long (depending on the surges). A surge basically takes a few microseconds to reach to the high voltage and surge protectors response time is nanosecond which is fast enough to prevent a spike. There are various types of systems, technologies and components of surge protector. These are the technologies or the components of surge protection used in Jacksonville and in the other parts of America as well. The Surge protection Jacksonville FL Compatricany can provide a total line of surge protection devices. And the installation of these surge protectors can be done with the help of electrical contractors Jacksonville FL. There are various companies in Jacksonville that provides master electrical contractors who are expert in both home and office surge system.
The various surge protection technologies includes, Metal Oxide Varistor, is a system that can limit voltages 3 to 4 times by distracting the path of the surge voltage to elsewhere while protecting the normal load. Parallel MOVs can be connected to increase the capability of the current providing the sets are matching. Moreover, MOVs have a good performance ratio and the price is quite low and they are the best in protecting the AC power. Next there is, Transient Voltage Suppression diode, which is also termed as silicon avalanche diode, responds in picoseconds but its current limiting and energy absorbing capacity is relatively low. And therefore, TVS diodes are mainly used in the current outlets with low voltage spikes. Then there is Thyristor surge protection device, a much faster and a solid state system which is mainly used to prevent overvoltage conditions. Next is Gas Discharge tube, a device with sealed glass containing a type of gas mixture enclosed between the electrodes that gets ionized by the high current spike and carry out electric current. Just like Metal Oxide Varistor, GDT can also limit high voltage spikes or transients and the response time is long as well. The device is basically light sensitive but can be used in the lines with high frequency such as telecommunication systems.
However, there are various other components like Selenium voltage suppressor, Carbon Block Spark gap overvoltage suppressor, a technology that took birth in the nineteenth century but still used in the telephone circuits. There are other technologies namely Quarter wave coaxial surge arrestor and Series mode surge suppresso
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About the Author: If you are looking for electrical contractors Jacksonville fl you are in the right place. We are the best Jacksonville electricians to provide you the best services for all your home and commercial electrical needs. To know more about surge protection Jacksonville fl please visit
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