Get Rid Of Sweaty Hands: Solution For Hyperhidrosis

Filed under: Hyperhidrosis Surgery — Admin @ 3:58 pm, July 23, 2024.

How to Treat Sweaty Hands – A Comprehensive Guide

‘Sweaty hands’ or ‘Hyperhidrosis’ is a condition confronted by millions of people worldwide. This uncontrollable, unpredictable, and overwhelming excessive hand sweating phenomenon can impact an individual’s quality of life profoundly. However, it does not have to keep being your reality. There are myriad ways to treat sweaty hands, ranging from antiperspirants to home remedies and medical treatments. Here, we’ll go explore these possible solutions for sweaty hands or solution for hyperhidrosis.


Antiperspirants are not just for your underarms. A strong antiperspirant can help block sweat ducts and reduce moisture in the hands as well. Certain over-the-counter antiperspirants and prescription versions contain aluminium chloride hexahydrate, an active ingredient known to combat excessive sweating. When applying, make sure your hands are completely dry and apply it before bedtime for maximum effectiveness.

Home Remedies

Several home remedies can help manage sweaty hands. Witch hazel and tea tree oil are natural astringents and can decrease sweat production when applied topically. Similarly, sage, when brewed into a tea, can be effective when hands are soaked in it daily. Apple cider vinegar, a versatile home remedy, can balance skin’s PH and reduce sweating when consumed or used topically. These remedies might not entirely eliminate the problem but can help manage the symptoms.


Iontophoresis is a medical procedure commonly used for treating hyperhidrosis. This treatment involves passing a weak electric current through water into the skin, believed to block the sweat ducts. Iontophoresis sessions typically last about 15-30 minutes and are done several times a week. The number of sessions needed varies, with more intensive treatment often necessary at the start and maintenance treatments thereafter. Your healthcare provider can guide you on the best treatment plan.

Botox Injections

Botox’s use for treating sweaty hands may be slightly less known. Injecting Botox can block nerves triggering the sweat glands. Although slightly painful, and the repeated treatments needed, Botox can provide relief from excessive hand sweating for many months. This treatment must be performed by a skilled healthcare provider.

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS)

When other treatments prove ineffective, Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) can be evaluated. It’s a surgical procedure involving cutting, burning, or clamping the spinal nerves controlling sweat in your hands. Though effective, it has severe potential side effects and is usually considered a last-resort treatment.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Alongside these treatments, making lifestyle changes can also help manage excessive hand sweating. Ensure to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly dry them to keep them free from sweat. Wearing gloves to absorb sweat, using personal hygiene products made for sweaty hands, staying hydrated, reducing stress, and limiting spicy foods can make a significant difference.

In conclusion, no one-size-fits-all treatment exists for sweaty hands or hyperhidrosis. What works best largely depends on your body and the severity of your condition. Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial to understanding and choosing the right solution for hyperhidrosis for you.

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Hyperhidrosis

Filed under: Hyperhidrosis Surgery — Admin @ 4:48 pm, April 2, 2023.

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hyperhidrosis By Abdulmubeen Mundewadi

Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive perspiration especially from the palms, soles, and armpits. Some individuals have excessive sweating on the head and forehead. Though this medical condition is benign, it can cause social embarrassment, depression, and long-term disability in performing some professional work like writing or handling papers and documents. Hormonal disorders, diabetes, obesity, and stress can aggravate this condition. High temperatures can aggravate sweating; however, paradoxically, many people with hyperhidrosis report an aggravation in the winter season.

The modern treatment of hyperhidrosis consists of the local use of antiperspirants, oral anticholinergic medicines, iontophoresis (passing a mild current across the hands), injection of botulinum toxin, surgical denervation of affected areas, radiofrequency ablation, surgical removal of affected parts, and subcutaneous liposuction. The major concerns with these treatments are limited improvement; repeated sittings for treatment; considerable treatment cost; serious or troublesome side effects, and recurrence of symptoms.

Excessive sweating is believed to be due to an overactive sympathetic and parasympathetic (both collectively known as the autonomic) nervous system. In Ayurvedic pathophysiology, it is believed that a dysfunction of the ‘Meda’ (fat) tissue is responsible for this condition. Sweat is believed to be a waste product of the Meda tissue. Faulty Meda metabolism results in the quality of the tissue becoming compromised; this causes excessive production of waste material, thereby causing excessive sweating.

The primary treatment of hyperhidrosis, therefore, is to normalize the Meda metabolism. Medicines which act on the Meda tissue are given in high doses or as per the severity of hyperhidrosis. Some of these herbs can also be used to rub locally on affected body parts. Medicines which correct the overactive autonomic nervous system can also be used effectively to treat this condition. It is also beneficial to treat stress, obesity, diabetes mellitus and other conditions directly or indirectly aggravating sweating. Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder where excessive sweating may be a symptom of the condition; treating the primary disorder will automatically reduce or cure, all related symptoms including hyperhidrosis.

It is important to note that complete cessation of sweating is not desirable, since sweating regulates body temperature, maintains fluid balance, and keeps the skin and sweat pores soft. Depending upon the severity of the condition and the response of individuals to treatment, affected patients may require Ayurvedic treatment for periods ranging from three to six months, or sometimes more. Once the symptoms have subsided significantly, the patient can then be treated with reduced doses of previously used medicines or other Ayurvedic medicines to prevent a relapse of the condition.

As discussed above, modern treatment has limited benefit, requires multiple sittings, and can have serious side effects. On the contrary, Ayurvedic treatment is safe for long-term use, and significant relief can be obtained on a very long-term basis. In addition to reduction of excessive sweating, most individuals who take Ayurvedic treatment for this condition also report feelings of improved relaxation, increased confidence, and better control while handling stressful situations. These benefits, along with reduced sweating, are reported several months to even several years after stopping treatment. Ayurvedic treatment therefore appears to be a better treatment modality in the management of hyperhidrosis.

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi is Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, India. He is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

The online clinic offers Ayurvedic treatment for all chronic and refractory health problems. Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., has clinical experience of over 33 years and clinical research experience of 20 years. He has conducted extensive research in HIV infection, Schizophrenia and many other chronic diseases.

Contact information is as follows:;; +91-0-8108358858; +91-0-9967928418;

What You Need To Know About Cosmetic Fillers In Minneapolis, Mn

Filed under: Hyperhidrosis Surgery — Admin @ 3:41 pm, June 1, 2021.

byAlma Abell

Cosmetic fillers in Minneapolis, MN are substances injected beneath or into the skin to make it fuller, fill in wrinkles and lines, aid correct recessed scars, as well as invigorate the face. Cosmetic fillers (also known as dermal fillers) are commonly utilized to make the lips plump and fuller as well as get rid of deep creases which run from mouth corners to the nose. The injections are a great alternative to face lifts for individuals who want to attain a more youthful appearance, but cannot afford the recovery time or cost of surgery.

As you grow older, a blend of your lifestyle (including sun exposure and diet), genetics, and gravity will start to have an effect on your face. The fat, elastin and collagen in your face start to breakdown, and that can make your face look tired and gaunt. Wrinkles begin to develop in regions where you utilize muscles frequently to produce expressions.

The nasolabial folds, which run from mouth corners to the chin, are the most common regions for expression lines. These creased or sunken areas can be filled with cosmetic fillers in Minneapolis, MN, thereby giving your face a more youthful appearance, and making you appear more energized. The outcomes are not permanent; therefore if you are not happy with them, all you have to do is avoid a repeat treatment. Click here for more

There are a number of different kinds of cosmetic fillers in Minneapolis, MN, each produced from different ingredients. Your physician will aid you choose the filler that will work best for you. The 3 most popular kinds of dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid, fat and collagen. Each of these cosmetic fillers will last approximately one year, at which point you will have to go for another treatment.

An ideal candidate for cosmetic filler will possess a positive attitude as well as reasonable expectations of the result of the treatment. The individual will be going through the procedure not to satisfy anybody, but only for personal reasons. There is no “appropriate” age for getting cosmetic fillers, however, the majority of patients are between ages thirty and sixty.